Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Balancing the Equation

     Time together used to be golden but has since faded to a tarnish.  Neglect has let the dust settle, hiding the beauty of what had been.  Empty talk and promises do nothing to restore the shine.  Will this friendship see its splendor once again?  I don't know, but it takes two to make a pair.
     This endeavor takes equal effort: tipped scales do not a balance make.  Nor does a dry gas tank see the journey to its end.  Likewise, a few gallons will see the journey cut short when the tank runs out.  The question is Will you fill the tank before the journey is no longer there to take?
     Do you remember it?  That friendship, sitting there as it gathers dust?  Will you let it fade away?  Or will it see the light of day?

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