Sunday, May 12, 2013

Gray Day

Outside my window, the storm rages on. 
Lightning flashes, thunder cracks.
Rain pours out onto everything it can
Soaking it, filling the world with gray.

Inside my heart, a storm rages too.
Flashes of anger, roaring frustrations.
Tears fall down and flood the eyes
Blinding me, filling my soul with gray.

Turmoil and tension, complete unrest.
Fears rising, the cries unkept.
Darkness surrounding and invading
Closing in, filling it with gray.

So dark, so cold, shrouded in gloom
my heart aches, it cries for light
Where went all the happy times?
Mourning now, I'm filled with gray.

No end in sight, so sign of light
no breath of day, just endless night.
But Time and God can end the storm
Breaking free, filling skies with day.

The weight is lifting, peace is returning
hope is shining, my heart yearning
Suddenly there is a light
Shining forth, filling me with day.

The storm is over, the gray is gone.
Colors richer, life fuller.
A time for healing this dry ground
Renewing it, filling it with day.

The soul is fresh, renewed once more
burdens emptied, joys again
After tension comes great release 
Peace reigns, I'm filled with day.  

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